Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bariatric Beginnings

One of my New Year's resolutions, every single year, is to lose weight. This year, I *think* it was in February, I went to an information seminar about bariatric surgery and options.

After approximately 5 hours in total on the phone, I finally got my insurance information straightened out. My married name still hasn't been updated on the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance I've had since I was 22 (from working for the government), but they accept things in my married name, so long as my maiden name is noted SOMEWHERE in the claims.

I had a consultation and a first weigh-in back in May. I was 307. We decided to go with a gastric sleeve. It's basically going to make my stomach about 15% of the size it is now, and they take out the stomach that gets cut off. It's restrictive, but not malabsorptive like the "bypass."

June came around, and that weight was 310. I need three months of physician supervised weigh-ins for the secondary insurance, so only one more to go!

I've already done my sleep test, and the psych eval. Monday I talked to my primary doctor. She's about a year and a half older than I am and not a Skinny Minny, so I really enjoy going to see her, more than I've actually been "okay" with seeing any of my other doctors. I got my EKG done.

Today, I went through Bariatric Basics "Bootcamp" if you will, and received a manual with all sorts of information. I sat through 3 hours of class -- with nothing to drink because I was bound and determined to do my labs today.

8 vials of blood and one pee cup later, I'm a step closer! I went upstairs to weigh-in, and was at 303 and some change today. But I was also fasting. Best time to take a weight, right?! There was no physician, so I still need to go in to my appointment next Wednesday.

I have my diagnostic imaging tests scheduled on Friday. I hope there's nothing wrong, because this means I'm like less than 30 days out from changing my life forever.

I've been trying with the smaller portions, but find myself snacking, or not stopping when I'm full. I had just about eliminated pop -- til we bought 4 12-packs. We're out of it now, though, so it'll be easier to adjust without it being in the house.

It's also time to pull out the Wii Fit again!

I'm excited and scared and almost every emotion I had when I was pregnant.

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