Saturday, September 26, 2009

Possibilities and Pudding

I realize it's been about two months. It's been a busy two months! My blogging clock has been slow, and I apologize.

Good times - waiting for the chest CT took about three weeks. After that, it was smooth sailing for my insurance approval! Insurance approved my sleeve gastrectomy on August 26. My surgery was scheduled and had on September 21.

The pre-op diet was hellish. I licked stuff. I had a few tortilla chips. We got the chips out of the house. I sat down to dinner with hubby and kiddo, and ate about an ounce of white chicken meat and a spoonful of mashed potatoes on day five. After that, it was smooth sailing.

I lost 20 pounds on the pre-op diet. 70g of protein per day. Three liters of water. Vitamins. Ketosis. I succeeded in shrinking my liver.

Surgery went well, or else I wouldn't be here. But the clock in my room at the hospital was a loud ticker. I kept the tv on to drown it out. Bad idea. I was discharged on September 23. The most painful things are the incision sites. And gas.

Now that I have my sleeve, it's possible to stop binge eating. It's possible to lose weight quickly.

Not being able to drink anything the first two days was horrible. Apparently, my gag reflex was killed by the ventilator tube. Good times ahead for the hubby, or so he'd like to think. After my doctor made fun of me for making the rookie mistake of swallowing air with my contrast for imaging... I realized that things do indeed taste different now.

Nothing is salty enough. Vegetable broth is by far better than chicken or beef. My too-sweet protein drinks are no longer too sweet -- they're almost right. And as the thickest substance I can eat so far, pudding is like Heaven on Earth!

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